Bunions: Prevention, Causes, And Treatment
Foot pain is a common problem for those who spend the majority of the day on their feet. If you're dealing with pain or discomfort, you may think it's a normal part of being an adult and resign yourself to living with it. Bunions may be the issue, and pain doesn't have to become a normal part of your life with proper treatment. Below is a basic rundown of bunions: what they are, what causes them, and how they can be treated.
How Can I Know If I Have a Bunion?
Aside from pain, bunions present with a bump that protrudes from the side of the big toe. If the bunion is just beginning to form, you may notice hardening skin or the formation of calluses in the same spot. This is due to the constant rubbing of the area against your footwear.
What Causes a Bunion?
The most common cause of bunions has to do with improper pressure and weight distribution, though other causes may include injury or congenital deformity.
Many doctors believe that too-tight footwear, especially high-heeled shoes, can cause the unnatural reshaping of the big toe bone, resulting in a bunion. If you're experiencing issues with pain or discomfort, or bunions are a family condition, you'll want to consider switching out the high heels or other tight footwear for better fitting, more comfortable options. This can drastically decrease your problems.
What Can Be Done to Treat the Issue?
If you're dealing with any of the above mentioned symptoms, it's important that you see the correct doctor for the issue. A podiatrist is a doctor who specializes in conditions of the feet and can help you to deal with this issue.
One common suggestion is wearing shoes that are more comfortable and roomier. This will prevent the already-formed bunion from rubbing against your footwear, reducing pain and swelling. Comfortable shoes can also properly distribute your weight, reducing the odds of the bunion worsening.
For more severe cases, surgery may be considered. This is usually an option if the bunion is interfering with your daily life, and other, non-surgical options aren't helping. The surgery may include removal of the swollen area around the bunion, or even removal of some bones in the toe to allow for it to straighten out.
As more is understood about this condition, more can be done to prevent and treat the issue. If you're dealing with pain and stiffness near your big toe, you may be dealing with a bunion. Consulting a podiatrist can lead to diagnosis, and early treatment can result in less pain and discomfort. To learn more, contact a company like Family Foot Center Podiatry Group Inc. with any questions you have.