Helpful Information About Food Allergies
Do you break out with hives after eating certain foods but have no clue what could be causing it to happen? The best way to resolve the problem is to make an appointment with an immunologist so he or she can run tests to pinpoint the food allergy that you have. Take a look at this article to gain more insight about food allergies and getting treated by an immunologist so you can stop suffering from hives flaring up when you eat.
Why Food Can Cause an Allergic Reaction
Basically, you can suffer from a food allergy when your immune system considers what you are consuming bad for your body. However, it does not mean that you are actually eating something bad just because your immune system has a bad response to it. Even healthy fruits and vegetables can cause an allergic reaction in some people. Your immune system tries to neutralize the culprit via immunoglobulin antibodies and the release of chemicals into your bloodstream that results in hives flaring up to make you aware of the allergy.
Other Food Allergy Symptoms to Look For
There are numerous other symptoms that you can experience from a food allergy besides hives, as you may simply overlook some of them. For instance, it is possible for a food allergy to cause your tongue to itch. You might just assume that the itching is normal, so pay attention the next time your hives flare up to see if it is accompanied by an itching tongue. Food allergies can also cause abdominal pain that you might mistake for gas. A few of the other symptoms include swollen body parts, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, nausea, and the severe symptom called anaphylaxis that can result in death without prompt treatment.
Getting Diagnosed & Treated for a Food Allergy
Various tests can be performed to diagnose a food allergy, including a blood and skin test. If a skin test is performed, your skin will be pricked with a needle and various foods will be placed on the area to see if your body has an allergic reaction. After getting diagnosed, the specialist can use immunotherapy to gradually get rid of flare-ups by injecting your body with the food culprits to make you immune to them. You might also be prescribed an epinephrine autoinjector that you can use when severe flare-ups occur to neutralize them until you can get emergency assistance. Make an appointment with an immunologist about your condition as soon as possible.
For an allergy doctor, contact an organization such as Asthma and Allergy Clinic.