Health Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Skin Cancer Treatment Options

If you have had a mole or other suspicious spot biopsied to check for skin cancer, the wait for the laboratory results can be maddening. While most people get the good news they hoped for, some are not so lucky. Being diagnosed with skin cancer can be scary, but thankfully, the majority of the time skin cancers are caught before they have spread. Here is a look at what you can expect for treatment. Read More 

Neurology Issues To Expect After Getting Hit By Lightening

If you get struck by lightening, or even indirectly hit by lightning, you are more likely to have brain damage than burn scars. In most cases, you need to see a neurology specialist, to help with your recovery. Here's a look at some of the issues you may face. Neurocognitive Changes In many cases, your brain changes when it goes through an intense event, such as being hit with significantly more electricity than is used in any household appliance. Read More 

Wondering Why Your Medical Practice Is Failing? Do These Things

If you are a healthcare professional losing patients, but you are unsure why, there are some things you want to do right away to determine the problem. You need to find out why you are struggling to retain your patients, and if anything is going on in the community or around you that is dragging people away. Here are some of the things that can guide you to find out what is going wrong with your practice, and to help turn things around. Read More 

Why Over-the-Counter Medications Are Vital to Your Convenience Store Inventory

If you are thinking of starting a small convenience store, you are likely going over what your inventory will be. Providing customers with some basic health and medical supplies is a good place to start—especially OTC medications. These Products are in Demand—Especially in the Evening According to a 2014 report, more and more convenience store locations are popping up since customers don't want to deal with the hassle of larger stores. Read More 

Preparing For Prenatal Glucose Tolerance Testing

Prenatal glucose tolerance testing can cause some expectant mothers to become nervous or anxious. Not only are you being tested to see if you have gestational diabetes, but you may also be nervous about the actual testing process. Here are a few things to help you prepare for this test. Schedule A Convenient Time You will have to drink a special solution, which will help to determine whether or not you have high glucose levels. Read More